Intuitive Herbalism by ArcanaLife

Intuitive herbalism is a journey that connects you to the consciousness of plants, elements, Earth, and ultimately to yourself.

You will learn about plants and herbs from a practical perspective and perhaps more importantly than that, you will go on a journey into the energetics of the natural world.

On this journey you will learn to work with the elements, the Earth and the intelligent awareness that threads through every living being and you will connect to the plant kingdom in a way you never knew possible. Through this connection you will deepen your connection with yourself, your intuition, inner guidance and knowing. Are you hungry to activate, deepen or expand the innate gifts and experiences that you came into this life to access, enjoy and share? Do you have a longing to live closer to the land you live on, the Earth and yourself? You are invited to come into community and learn about yourself, how and why we lost our connection to plants and Earth; and what you can do about it in your life right now to live in alignment with the land you live on, and be a good ancestor.

In this experience together you will learn: 

  • How to bring plants into your every day life through cooking, tincturing and tea making

  • Appropriate and safe combining of plants and how to appropriately administer them to increase delivery efficacy  

  • How to make clean, effective and beautiful topical products that you can use at home or develop professionally 

  • How to develop a lasting, genuine and reciprocal relationships with plants 

  • How to connect to and honor the master plants 

  • How to connect to the native plants in your area

  • How to harmonize with the elemental influences on Earth and in your body, and how the plant kingdom can help you do that

  • Connect to the spirit of the plants already in your life and welcome new connections in

  • Learn about plants from all over the world

  • Learn how music and sound awaken and enhance connection to plants

  • Learn songs that help you connect to plants 

  • How you can be a good ancestor on planet Earth during this very difficult time

  • How to assist others with choosing appropriate plants for their various concerns and conditions

  • Practical Seasonal Ayurvedic Medicine making

  • Traditional Herbal Medicine making and herbal categorizations

There will be an optional add on in-person medicine making weekend retreat at the end of the course (pending of course the global state of things at the time) and only course participants will be eligible to attend. At this weekend we will teach you what we have learned about plant magic and how to bring it all to life in person. *This is not included in the tuition for the course and details will be released closer to the time, but by being in the course you will receive an invitation to put it all into physical action.

Pricing and dates:

Paid in Full $2350 - Holiday Sale - save $355 and sign up for $1995

Need a payment plan? No problem, with this sale your first payment is only $115 - Coupon Code is ThankfulPP

Payment Plan: $470 per month for 5 months

This course follows a format that will combine working together live over zoom as well as having lessons released every Friday in your education portal. Lessons in the portal will include written assignments as well as podcasts, videos and creative assignments.

You should allocate about an hour a week for your education portal lesson/homework in addition to any live calls you will attend.

Here is the schedule for our live calls. Live calls are led by Shilah and occasionally by guest speakers who will deliver content on working with master plants.

The course begins on Friday, February 10, 2023 and ends on Sunday, June 11, 2023.

February 10 - Workshop 1 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

February 24 - Workshop 2 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

March 10  -  Workshop 3 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

March 25 - Weekend Intensive #1 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm (PST)

March 26 - Weekend Intensive #2 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm (PST)

April 14 - Workshop 4 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

April 29  - Weekend Intensive #3 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm (PST)

April 30  - Weekend Intensive #4 - 3:00pm - 7:00pm (PST)

May 12 - Workshop 5 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

May 26  - Workshop 6 - 6:00 pm - 8:00pm (PST)

June 10  - Weekend Intensive #5 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm (PST)

June 11 - Weekend Intensive #6 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm (PST)