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Winter Solstice Group Circle - A Call To Unity

As we move towards a close of 2020 we enter an energetically charged moment during the winter solstice. Many astrologists see this winter solstice as not only a very significant shifting of the seasons, but also as the day we are moving directly into the age of Aquarius - the turning of an entire 2000 plus year era!

Some see the current times as positive, some as negative. I see them as an opportunity to get clear and focused on the kind of world we want to create - inside ourselves and in our communities. All over the place grass roots movements of healing, inclusion and growth are springing up. We choose to direct our energy towards that which is inspiring a different and better future for human kind.

We offer this zoom community gathering to the members of our community who hold a similar vision for change and evolution for the better and wish to plant seeds of intention for personal and collective global healing.

Join Shilah for an evening of ceremonial intention setting, personal devotions, yoga, and metta meditations for community and global unity.

Please bring to your personal space for the duration of the gathering:

Yoga Mat, Journal/Pen, Clear cup of water, Candle, Any object that is special to you

When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm Dec 21st

To sign up: Venmo $40 to @arcanalife - upon receipt zoom link and further instructions will be sent within 24 hours.

*Space will be limited to preserve the intimacy of the group so no cancelations/refunds/credits