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Getting To Know Your Chakras, Getting To Know Yourself

 Getting to know your chakras can help you get to know yourself

Registration is now open to gather with us for our seven week online course! This course is dedicated to learning about and exploring the chakras. Each week, for seven weeks, we will explore in great depth and detail one new chakra.

You will learn about:

  • The archetypes associated with each chakra and do activities to learn how they show up in your life.

  • Getting to know yourself more by working with each chakra, and helping you understand your energetic tendencies. Creating more balance in your body and life.

  • Content on each chakra in the form of videos, readings, guided meditations and activities. Learn which emotions corollate to each chakra, and how imbalances manifest in the physical body.

  • How to recognize when a chakra is out of balance, and how to help bring it back to balance.

  • How to work with your own energy to feel more comfortable and alive in your body.

  • Recognizing, working with, and releasing long held patterns and beliefs that live in the chakras and tissues of the body.

  • How the chakras show up in groups and group dynamics

  • How you can feel more centered and safe in this time of uncertainty and change

  • Weekly group calls to answer your specific questions on the weeks content. The calls are not mandatory to complete the course, just a bonus to help support you as you work with the material and activities.

Whether you are just beginning to learn about the chakras and energetic/subtle body or have been working with them for years, this course will help guide you back into presence with your body. It will help you move old habits, patterns and beliefs, and invite in contentment and aliveness. We hope you can join us!

Details: All content is released through Ruzuku, our school portal learning platform. You will be given a unique link to sign up and create your profile once your payment is received. The course presents one chakra a week for seven weeks. There will be optional hour long Q&A calls every Friday night at 7:15pm (PST) starting May 22- These sessions will be recorded and available for you in the school portal in case you can’t make the call.


During this time of economic uncertainty, some are experiencing hardship, while others are financially secure. As as result we have structured our pricing to support everyone, while trying to still supporting ourselves.

Help for those who have lost their jobs: If you have lost your ability to work and/or your income is below the levels you usually are accustomed to, we invite you to use the discount code love200 when you check out. This will reduce the price by $200 and make the course more accessible to you.

We ask that if you are not in a position of hardship that you pay for the normal price for the course which is $450, this allows us to offer the discount to those who need it. We do this on the honor system :)

Payment plans

We are also happy to offer the ability to split the payment in to two equal parts. If you do not need to split the payment in two, we ask that you pay in full to help us as a small business avoid the fees that come with multiple payments.